6 Reasons to Hire a Midlife Transformational Coach

Over the past 20 years, the demand for life coaching has rapidly grown. It is no longer reserved for elite athletes or CEOs of top-performing companies. Anyone who seeks to improve his/her life will benefit from hiring a coach.

There are more than 40 niches of life coaches.  Some coaches that can be hired include: accountability, finance, health, innovation, leadership, life, purpose, sales, spiritual, and transformation coaches. As the demand for change and self-empowerment continues to grow, the list of niche coaching will expand as well.  

I am a midlife transformational coach, and a question I get asked a lot is: “How do I know if this is the type of coaching for me?”

In my experience, I have found that the answers to the following 6 questions will help you more confidently know if a transformation coach is for you.

6 Questions to Help Determine if a Midlife Coach is Right for You

  1. Are you seeking to learn things about yourself from a new perspective?

  2. Are you searching for a renewed, or never before known clarity, peace, or inner harmony?

  3. Do you feel that something is missing from your life, but you’re not quite sure what it is?

  4. Are you tired and worn out from being driven or influenced by negative influences or thoughts in your life?

  5. Are you ready to take a leap of faith to make a transformational shift in your life that could lead to less stress, improved relationships, more meaning and more overall satisfaction with your life?

  6. Does learning how to connect to your inner-self in ways that can guide you forward so you no longer feel lost or confused excite or intrigue you?

If you answered yes to even one of these questions, a transformational coach could be just the person you need right now.

In addition, to the above six questions, answer the following:

  1. Are you an empty-nester, or close to it?

  2. Are you tired of feeling disconnected, restless, and conflicted within yourself?

  3. Do you struggle to hold onto a sense of purpose or meaning with your life?

  4. When you look in the mirror, do you wonder who in the heck is looking back at you?

Did you answer yes to one or more of these questions?  If so, then more specifically, a midlife transformational coach just may be the person you need to rediscover your authentic self and learn to reconnect with your inner guidance system to find balance and harmony — so you can confidently and effortlessly unlock the power within you to trust that your midlife years are meant to be filled with excitement, purpose, and meaning.

So, how can a Midlife Transformational Coach help you?

As a midlife transformational coach, I help guide women to her most authentic self.  I do this by empowering her to shift her perspective from one of doubt, insecurity, and isolation to one filled with gratitude, love, excitement, meaning and fulfillment.  The coaching is transformative because it focuses on what lies within – not without.

As your Midlife Transformational Coach – it is my passion and purpose to give you the tools and know-how to reach deep within to connect to yourself on your heart’s (or soul’s) level.   You will learn to trust yourself and your intuition, so you can finally break free, live free, and evolve into who you know you were always meant to be – which, by the way, is nothing short of amazing!