This is the second of twelve blogs dedicated to the Universal Laws. The Universal Laws are principles available for any of us to use, if we wish, to increase balance and harmony within our lives. The Laws originated from cultures of long-ago, particularly that of ancient Hawaii. They are spiritual in nature, meaning they are not founded on a specific religion or religious practice.
The popularity of many works, such as “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, “The Attractor Factor” by Joe Vitale, and “The Master Key System” by Charles Haanel has propelled the Universal Law of Attraction into society’s consciousness. However, there are other laws, when used alongside the Law of Attraction, that can powerfully change our lives for the better – once we learn about them and understand how to embrace them into our daily lives.
The first of these laws is the Law of Oneness, this next blog is about the second Universal Law: The Law of Vibration.
The Law of Vibration
Everything in this world is constantly in motion and vibrates at a specific frequency. The waters, the land, the winds, people, animals, the stars; everything!
Each day, whether we are asleep or awake, we continuously are in motion. Our mind is always in motion, thinking thousands of thoughts each day. These thoughts are energy, and the energy is the embodiment of the Law of Vibration.
Equally, as we are awake, our moods are also in motion. We’re feeling anxious, excited, furious, happy, romantic, sad, or whimsical. All of these moods, and more, are energy that vibrates at clear-cut frequencies.
In addition, to our thoughts and moods, our words (spoken and unspoken) have energy to them. Meaning, all of our words vibrate at a specific frequency.

The energy, or frequency, of the Law of Vibration is a fixed order of states of consciousness. These states show up in different ways in the various areas of our lives.
Generally, there are five to twelve recognized areas of life, some of which are: intimate relationships, friendships, career, financial health, physical health, spirituality, and community.
Guess what? These are all in motion, they all reside on the frequency scale of the Law of Vibration.
The scale ranges from lower frequencies to higher ones. Lower level frequencies are shame, guilt, fear, and anger. Higher vibrational frequencies are peace, love, joy, enlightenment.
The Heart Scale
I consider the vibrational frequencies to be a heart scale. The lower you are on the scale, the more your heart is broken. The higher you are on the scale, your heart is fuller and filled with happiness, meaning, and purpose.
Understanding the Law of Vibration is to know that our bodies carry energy, our moods have energy, and our thoughts and words have energetic significance. The more our words, moods, thoughts reside with the lower level vibrations, the more our life mirrors those frequencies. Conversely, the more we harmonize with the higher vibrations of the energetic scale, the more these energies reflect in our life.
Spectacular minds knew this:
“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Aristotle
“Everything in life is vibration.” Albert Einstein
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla
“How you vibrate is what the universe echoes back to you at every moment.” Panache Desai
So, now you know a bit about the Universal Law of Vibration. We are energy that moves up and down frequency scales of vibrational highs and lows. Vibrational highs are loving frequencies. They are frequencies of enlightenment, peace, joy, acceptance. Vibrational lows include anger, fear, grief, guilt, and shame. Doubt and feelings of annoyances or irritations – no matter how petty – reside in lower vibrational frequencies. When we live here, our world seems inadequate.
The Big Takeaway?
Remember that our essence – our words, thoughts, ideas actions, moods – is always reflected back to us through vibrational frequencies, in each area of our life. This is the Universal Law of Vibration. Use it as your guide, to illuminate your present frequency. Is it thick? Dense? Heavy? If so, you can take steps to raise your energetic vibration, so it’s filled with light, empowerment, and love. The Universal Law of Vibration helps you align yourself, so you can get more of what you want in life.