
The Universal Law of Correspondence

This is the third of a series of 12 blogs on the Laws of the Universe. Some laws of the universe are ageless spiritual philosophical principles originating from long-ago intuitive knowledge that seeped into ancient Greek, and Egyptian consciousness. One of these principles (or laws) come from Hermetic philosophy written by Hermes Trismegistus; widely believed to be the author of the Emerald Tablet and Corpus Hermeticum. It is not definitively known whether Hermes Trismegistus was one person or a fusion of both mythical and historical figures, but what is known is that Hermes’s work laid the foundation of the 7 Hermetic Principles. The second hermetic principle, is the third universal law: The Universal Law of Correspondence. 

The universal law of correspondence, simply put, is that our reality is a reflection of our inner world – our thoughts and feelings. Which means, what we hold in our mind will, at some point, become our reality. Our reality corresponds with what we think and what we feel. For instance, if we feel stressed or angry on the inside, there will be an abundance of stress and anger surrounding us, whether it’s in the news, in our jobs, with our families, friends, or just driving down the road. To improve what shows up in our outside world so we can enjoy a balanced and harmonious life, it is important for us to become self-reflective and more mindful of our thoughts, words, and feelings. Over time, as we work on improving and bettering ourselves from within, our tangible, physical world will wondrously transform.

“Our thought is the unseen magnet, ever attracting its correspondence in things seen and tangible.”

— Prentice Mulford

Understanding and accepting the law of correspondence allows you to more easily recognize the very real connection between what comes up in your outside world and what is in your inside world. Once your heart is open to recognizing this connection, you more easily see how you design your life, not those around you. Blaming others (looking to outside sources) for the not-so-good circumstances that show up in your life, no longer feels authentic or genuine.  This is because you know that there is a more powerful correspondence between what is within you (internal) and what shows up around you (external). 

“The law of correspondence says your outer world is a mirror of your inner world. Your outer world corresponds to your inner world. Your outer world of your relationships – especially with your children and spouse – simply corresponds to how you feel about yourself…”

— Brian Tracy

How can you use the law of correspondence to help promote a more heart inspired life? Begin within. 

  • Accept your shortcomings
  • Work on recognizing your strengths
  • Observe your feelings
  • Mind your words

The universal law of correspondence is a powerful tool you can use to help you create a life filled with more balance, compassion, harmony, and satisfaction, not just for your outside world, but for your inner world. The next time your external world seems to hurl stress, overwhelm, or annoyances at you, put things on pause (trust me, everything will wait for you). Seek the connections between your feelings and thoughts to what shows up in your external world. Give yourself grace and patience because at first, it may seem too hard to find alternatives to your thoughts, or build more optimism. With practice, and through using the law of correspondence as your guide, you will have total command to design and transform your life in a way that inspires and uplifts you. 

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