The Universal Law of Cause & Effect

The Universal Law of Cause & Effect

Welcome back to this blog series dedicated to the Universal Laws. These laws are deeply rooted principles that you can use to create and increase balance and harmony, both within yourself and also with the world around you. Mindfully applying the laws to your life can cause a profound and favorable transformational shift in your life’s journey. They are spiritual in nature and not founded on a specific religion or religious practice. Some universal laws, like the Law of Attraction, are well known, while others are not as widely recognized—like the Law of Rhythm.

So far, this blog series has covered the Universal Law of Oneness, the Universal Law of Vibration, the Universal Law of Correspondence, the Universal Law of Attraction, the Universal Law of Inspired Action, and the Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.

This blog post is dedicated to the Universal Law of Cause and Effect.

The Cause & Effect Conundrum

The Law of Cause and Effect states that every cause has an effect, and every effect becomes the cause of something else. The universe is always in motion. Even if at times it does not seem like it, your life is always in motion. Anything that shows up in your life is a direct response to something that has previously happened. 

Granted, some things that show up in your life seem to be pretty unwanted (think the challenges, hurts, and frustrations). However, you have also had many wonderful things show up in your life (think joy, love, and laughter). Both the unwanted and wonderful things appear in your life because something caused them to happen. It was either caused by your own past actions, or the actions of others.

This bears repeating...

The actions you take create future effects on your life or the lives of others. In terms of self-empowerment and personal development, it means to make changes in the future, you must do something now to cause that change to happen. 

Keep in mind the premise of the Universal Law of Cause of Effect, and know that you have the capability to rewrite your life according to your rules and preferences. This is because the universal law gently points you in the direction of becoming more focused on what you can control—especially in instances when unwanted challenges and events appear in your life. 

You Are Powerful

You have absolute control over your response to events in your life. You can choose to react either in a way that uplifts and empowers you, or in a way that can drag you down. When you are uplifted and empowered, despite the events and circumstances around you, you move forward with more ease and confidence.

When you react to events, circumstances, and things in a way that brings you down, you may begin to feel stuck, powerless, or helpless. These feelings make moving forward in a beneficial way more difficult.

The premise of the Universal Law of Cause of Effect, and know that you have the capability to rewrite your life according to your rules and preferences. This is because the universal law gently points you in the direction of becoming more focused on what you can control—especially in instances when unwanted challenges and events appear in your life. 

Become Mindful of Your Thoughts & Actions

Your thoughts and beliefs go a long way in effecting the momentum of your life. Simply put, your life’s momentum is either moving forward, or it is slowing down…maybe even to the point that you are standing still. Words like… 

  • “They made me feel…” 
  • “I had no choice…” 

…place control over your feelings and emotions and even your physical actions in the hands of other people. According to the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, the effects this will have on you is not always beneficial.

Instead, use words such as: 

  • “I refuse to let others make me feel a certain way…”
  • “I have a choice…”

Other Ways to Use the Universal Law of Cause & Effect

  • Smile more, 
  • Give more love, 
  • Forgive easier. 

Even in the face of great obstacles, you can choose responses that uplift you. Make no mistake, it’s not easy. It takes work. It is a mindset shift and lifestyle change. Embracing it can swing the pendulum from lower level heavy feelings to higher vibrations. That’s not to say that the unwanted things that happen in life will miraculously disappear. But the heaviness that comes from these unwanted things will soften, which will greatly benefit you in the future. That is the beauty of the Universal Law of Cause and Effect.